Wealth. Money. Finances. Income. How do you react to these simple words?

 I can honestly tell you that each of these words used to be a full-on trigger… immediately sending me into a spiral of stress and defensiveness with tension forming in my body and resulting in a complete avoidance whenever possible.

I’d openly cringed at any post or person that focused on financial results and discussed how much $ they were pulling in.

Now I always was aware of this response and just accepted it was the way it was. I did what I needed to in order to get by. I constantly told myself I didn’t need much money, and I certainly didn’t need wealth to be happy. I wasn’t in it for the money, so it wasn’t important.

Sound familiar? It’s not uncommon for money (or things related to it) to create this type of response.

What I didn’t realize is just how these responses would create a struggle within my business.

 Very quickly, I learned that they:

  •   Made it difficult to make sales if I couldn’t talk about money and pricing confidently.
  •  Made it impossible to charge what I needed to charge for the well-being of my family if I didn’t open myself up to receive money and build wealth.
  •  Made it a struggle to truly help my clients own their own value and pricing if I couldn’t.
  •  Made it hard to be truly happy if I never felt secure and confident in my finances.

Here’s the thing, as the primary financial provider for a family with two kids, this just didn’t work for me. For too long, I was exchanging my time for money at a rate that didn’t support us. I was missing precious time with my littles, I hated feeling stressed about our finances, and it was causing tension ALL THE TIME.

So I asked for help, and I worked on these things. I began to heal where I needed healing. I began to shift long-held beliefs and educate myself on how to make changes. 

I overcame those dreaded money mindset blocks, and I began to set the stage for creating wealth, financial security for my family, my business to grow and flourish without taking away from the enjoyment of my life.

What did this look like for me?

  • I got super clear and confident in my finances and what I want them to be to support my best life.
  • I aligned my coaching containers & Done for You Services with my financial needs to create more sustainability.
  • I filled my client roster with enough soulmate clients that my income could meet my family’s financial needs.
  • I hired help to support me in doing work that didn’t light me up and drained my time.
  • I shifted my mindset and my vibration to one of abundance and ease.

Those words that once triggered me will never be my top priority, but I now understand and happily accept their role in how I want to move through this life and grow my business.

Amazingly, when I reached a point where these things no longer triggered me, they blossomed.

My relationship with creating wealth, making money, confidence in my finances, and growing my income has shifted from one of struggle to ease and understanding. 

Now, just like any other relationship, I know it’ll require ongoing work, but I’m now ready to do the work because I know it is worth it.

I’ve already seen the benefits and positive outcomes that came from these shifts. 

I made 2x’s as much money in the first six months of 2021 as I had the entirety of 2020. And with these changes, I was able to roll into the summer with some serious boundaries and a game plan for how I wanted to experience each and every day with more EASE.

I was able to prioritize time with my kids before school starts this fall–adjusting my schedule for a 4-day workweek and giving myself permission to do only what was necessary during this season.

Even with a week of vacation at the beach, Fridays off for family fun, and a handful of random days cut short or taken off… I’ve met my financial goals, feel secure knowing my business is growing, and am ready for a BIG next few months.

Things changed when I did the work and aligned my business to my life… meeting my needs first.

This is part of my journey and one way I’ve stepped into my power and created a business that supports my best life. 

If you are ready to live your life to the fullest while you build and grow a successful business… let’s talk. Book a free consult here to see how I can support you.