Take a moment and ask yourself this—is your business supporting you, or are you supporting your business?

I can honestly say right now; my business supports me. But, it hasn’t always been this way, and I work with many clients who struggle with the exact same thing.

Last year my family went on a mini-vacation, and my husband gave me an important reminder “It’s your business; you can choose what you work on and when you work on it.”

At the time, I was straddling between stressed out and broken down.

I often overlooked the few boundaries I had in life and with clients. This meant I was usually overworking, overdelivering, undercharging, and felt underappreciated.

Sound familiar?

Now, this has always been a struggle for me. I always want to serve people at my highest and best, and at times that makes it hard to create boundaries and stick to them.

But my husband was right. Part of why I created my business was for the flexibility and freedom to do things like mini-vacations.

And, what his comment made me realize is most of the time, it isn’t my clients who are expecting me to keep working or the business that NEEDS me to keep working… It’s ME.

I know this, hopefully, you know this, but sometimes it’s hard to notice it is even happening until you’re there on vacation, getting a reality check from your super supportive husband.

So, to give you a hand here’s four questions to ask yourself and check yourself:

  1.  If you stepped away for a day, or two, or maybe even a week… would your business fall apart?
  2. Does every detail of your business need you present, focused, and your attention to get done?
  3. Do you struggle to create and stick to boundaries for when you are available to work vs. when you are not?
  4. Are you constantly stretched or stressed about what you need to get done because you feel like there is too much and not enough time?

Here’s the deal, if you answered yes to any of these… or all of these, it might be time to make some shifts.

These reality checks aren’t easy, but this is how you improve your business. It’s how you make sure your business supports the life you want to live… and your version of success.

You see, so often, we start our business hoping to gain more free time, flexibility, and financial freedom, to make more of an impact and a bigger difference.

  • But, how can you have more free time if you’re pouring everything you have into building your business? 
  • How can you have more flexibility when you haven’t created the boundaries or the space to give yourself the flexibility?
  • How can you make a bigger impact if you are staying small and playing it safe inside your comfort zone?
  • How can you create financial freedom or more ease when you aren’t prioritizing your needs and desires?

How can you grow your business and have it work for you… if you are working for it?

👉 If you are ready for your business to support YOU, consider joining me for the EVOLVE MiniMind. A 3-month mastermind experience to help you build and grow a business that will support your best life. With 1:1 Coaching, Group Coaching, and so much more… it truly is a business shifting and life-changing experience. Join now.